Affirmations For Protection Over You And Your Loved Ones


Affirmations For Protection Over You And Your Loved Ones:

As much as I try to operate from a place of faith over fear, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I find myself worrying from time to time, especially in regard to my loved ones.

2020 is unique in the sense that it’s reach has had somewhat of a sweeping effect. It’s not like there was an isolated incident that effected me or a loved on. It’s multi layered and complex. 

Ironically, the scale might be the blessing. When I feel as if things are within my control my natural default is to put together a plan and execute. Alternatively, this year has been a constant exercise in taking a step back and genuinely asking God to light the path.

One of my greatest comforts in this time is that we can speak life into whatever it is that we’re believing for. On good days, on bad days, on days when we’re feeling scared or battle weary. We can still speak life and that feels good. 

Before we get started, let’s clear our minds of any distractions. Take a deep breath. Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. (Repeat x3)

Envision your safe place. The place where you feel most confident and the most secure. 

Take a deep breath. Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. (Repeat x3)

1. I am loved. 

2. I am protected. 

3. God has surrounded me with a with a barrier of peace and serenity 

4. I speak life into my family 

5. I speak life into my work

6. I speak life into my vision

7. I will not allow negative thinking to penetrate my thoughts, dictate my decision making, or intimidate my hope for the future

8. I surround myself with people who lift me up, speak life into my vision and purpose, and who bring out the best in me

9. I am a bearer of light casting out the darkness

10. Negativity has no choice but to leave when I am present 

11. I focus my energy on things that add value to my life 

12. I am committed to seeing my hopes and dreams manifest into my reality. 

13. I am intentional about the relationships I build and the boundaries I set

14. I speak peace and serenity into each and every engagement and interaction I have today

15. I am committed to resting when I feel myself getting lost in negative thought

16. I am intentional about the energy I put out and the energy I allow around me

17. I choose faith over fear. 

18. I welcome the fullness of all that God has for me 

19. I trust my Heavenly Father to order my steps and lead the way. 

20.I speak life into each and every loved one and member of my family

21. We are blessed and highly favored

22. We are whole, healthy, and walking in the fullness of our purposes

23. Sickness has no place in our bodies. 

24. Anxiety has no place in our hearts or minds. 

25. Depression is not welcome here. 

26. We operate from a place of peace. 

27. We have healthy, strong, loving, relationships 

28. We look out for one another 

29. We encourage one another 

30. We build each other up, not tear each other down

31. We are thoughtful with the words that come from our mouths

32. Regardless of what things going on in the world, we choose faith over fear

33. My loved ones are covered and protected and safe. No harm will come their way. 

34. I am committed to doing my part in being part of the change I want to see. 

35. I am committed to seeking out resources and support systems to help me through difficult times.

36. No weapon formed against me and my loved ones shall prosper.

37. We are surrounded by a cocoon of love and safety and protection. 

38. We are walking in the fullness of our purposes, pursuing our callings, and on a path that no man, bad energy, or circumstance can disrupt. 

39. I trust in the beauty of my dreams. 

40. I see the vision I have for my life in a tangible way. 

41. I am protected and my loved ones are protected. 

42. All that God had for me and my loved ones is making its way to me and each and every one of us. 

Chelsea CoffeyComment