22 Affirmations For Peace Of Mind

My favorite time of day 💕

My favorite time of day 💕

Hey guys!

It’s been a week since me and Maddy’s car accident. Looking back, I think that experience triggered an exercise in reflection for me. 

The last 6 months or so have been an interesting run. As much as I love reading my affirmations, this time has helped me realize that writing them is my favorite form of therapy. 

I went from crazy busy with house stuff and wedding stuff to corona to quarantine to getting laid off to the recent killings in the news to having our lives flash before our eyes that day on the freeway.

I wouldn’t say that being in a hit and run was the most scared I’ve ever been, but it messed me up in a way that other situations haven’t. As much as I try to remind myself that things could be worse, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by it all. 

That’s where I‘ve been these last few weeks. Bouncing back and forth between a funk and the reset, the funk and a reset. 

When I’m feeling down, peace of mind becomes top priority. On Monday, I realized that it’s time to start writing again.

I am my best when I’m happy, healthy, and grounded spiritually. There’s something so freeing about giving ourselves permission to lay it all down for a bit and heal, now more than ever.

Let’s begin. 

Lord I pray that you hear my prayer. See my heart. See the hearts of everyone hurting around the world. That you would wash over us with us a spirit of peace and healing that only you can provide. Bless us with the clarity to see a hope for the future and comfort us in our times of need. Thank you in advance for what you’re doing, what you’ve done, and the things to come. 

Let’s dream for a bit?

Take a minute to visualize yourself in your safe place. See yourself somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Who’s there? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Infuse this vision with the fullness of the things that put you at ease. Warm sunshine. A cool breeze. Close your eyes. Take it all in. Visualize whatever makes you feel calm, whole, and at peace.

  1. I am blessed to be alive. 

  2. I am thankful to see another day. 

  3. My heart is filled with gratitude. 

  4. I am not weak for allowing myself to feel the weight of what I am experiencing. 

  5. I am gentle with my heart and mind. 

  6. I channel my hurt and pain in positive ways. 

  7. I fill my head with good thoughts and memories. 

  8. Fear has no place here. 

  9. Anxiety has not place here. 

  10. Depression has no place here. 

  11. I like what I see when I look in the mirror. 

  12. I love the skin I’m in. 

  13. I embrace my journey.

  14. I wouldn’t trade places with anyone.

  15. I am walking in my purpose.

  16. I am unique and one of a kind. 

  17. All things are working together for my good. 

  18. I am patient, loving, and compassionate. 

  19. I see the best in myself and others. 

  20. I operate from a place of calm, peace and serenity. 

  21. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

  22. My life is in perfect flow.

Sending all the love to Tweety Elitou for featuring me in her article: Black Wellness Gurus Offer Advice On How To Protect Your Peace Right Now for BET. Thank you queen. It’s such an honor to be in such good company 🥰 Happy healing. Xoxo -Chels 💋