32 Affirmations To Refocus, Reset, And Move Forward With Clarity


32 Affirmations To Refocus, Reset, And Move Forward With Clarity:

We’re halfway through the year, and it just occurred to me that I’ve spent the greater part of the last 3 months waiting to “see what happens”.  That’s kind of out of character for me. I love a plan, and I love a timeline, but I’d gotten to a place where the unexpectedness of life had sucked the planner out of me.

Yesterday, I got some disappointing news, and in his calm sweet demeanor, Warren offered the words of encouragement that I needed to hear after all this time, “Let’s just try to focus on what we have control of from here on out, okay?“

So! 😂 It’s time to get back on it. I’m thinking about doing a virtual goal setting workshop over the summer. We’d meet a few times. Put together a forecast (I went to grad school for forecasting. It’s one of my favorite things ☺️) Hold each other accountable. Cheer each other on, etc. There’s also power in human connection and getting our ideas out there. Is that something y’all would be interested in? I used to host an awesome group back in Houston, and I miss it a lot 😪 Let me know, and I’ll get on it 😋

Let’s begin!

Picture the thing you’re believing for. See it coming to fruition. Close your eyes. Envision that goal, those dreams, and how it will make you feel to achieve them. Lean into that feeling and let it be your motivation. If we can see it we can believe it, and if we believe it to be so, it’s already manifesting. 

Breathe in the good. Breathe out the bad. Repeat x 3) 

Feel the stress melt away. Trust the vision.

1.I am at peace. 

2.My current circumstances do not define me, my future, or my ability to achieve my goals. 

3.I have a clear focus on what I want and where I want to go. 

4.God is ordering my steps. 

5.I trust my path and my journey. 

6.I know that my Heavenly Father is lighting the way. 

7.I know that He is opening and closing any door according to His purpose for my life. 

8.I am tapped into the fullness of my talents, gifts, and blessings. 

9.I do not get discouraged when I get knocked down because my eyes are on the prize. 

10.I focus on results. 

11.I am resilient. 

12.I am strong. 

13.I am disciplined. 

14.I am hopeful. 

15.I am vigilant in my pursuit of building a life I love. 

16.I don’t let disappointments get me down. 

17.I know when to disconnect, reset and recharge. 

18.I ask for help when I need it. 

19.I am surrounded by love. 

20.I have the best community. 

21.I am focused on the things that matter most. 

22.I am making a difference in the world. 

23.I choose faith over fear. 

24.I am focused on being my best self. 

25.I have clarity of thought. 

26.I stay on task and stay on time. 

27.I feel motivated. 

28.I believe in myself. 

29.I’ve got this. 

30.All things are working together for my good. 

31.The best is yet to come. 

32.I celebrate in advance. Right now. In this moment because even when it feels like things are out of my control, I know that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. 

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Xoxo -Chels 💋