23 Pregnancy Affirmations


23 Pregnancy Affirmations ✨

To be honest with you guys, when I first found out I was pregnant, I was overjoyed —and kind of panicked all at once.

I wholeheartedly believe in positivity, and good energy, and speaking life into any situation, but I’m a bit of an empath. I’ve seen and heard so many stories of the beautiful and more challenging sides of pregnancy, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I felt a little intimidated at the thought of entering into a story of my own.

Ironically, this journey has been somewhat of a tough one. I’ve done my best to water it down and try to see the glass half full, but everyone from my family to my doctor has been like, No. This has not been easy haha

Having said that, through every challenging time our sweet baby girl has been stronger and healthier than ever. I’ll always be so thankful to God for that. For the daily little kicks and crazy body rolls that remind me that it’s all so worth it and we’re going to be just fine.

Whether you’re just finding out that you’re pregnant, in the thick of it, or preparing for delivery, I wanted to take the time to write these affirmations not only for me, but for you as well.

The mind is such a powerful thing. There are times, now more than ever, when we need to harness our thoughts, speak past any fear, anxiety, nervousness and intentionally cast out anything that is out of alignment with God ordering our steps.

I have two rings that I wear and they have the following verses:

Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

It’s the next part that I love the most: Verse7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I know I talk about peace a lot, but it’s because that’s the goal for me —to find peace in the storm. It’s my way of saying Lord I trust you. I may not understand why things are happening the way they are, but I trust you to light my path, guide the way, and provide a peace that surpasses all understanding. That regardless of what’s happening, I am able to live life to the fullest.

Something that this experience has shown me is that sometimes, as women especially, we feel the need to put up a good front, smile, suppress what we’re going through, and keep things private.

As a result, conversations happen one on one, behind closed doors, or not at all. The thing is that pregnancy has rocked my world haha And our stories about what we feel and what we experience should be valued with the same appreciation as the excitement around the baby. I have been so encouraged by the women who have spoken up and shared their stories.

So this is my way of saying that I couldn’t be happier -like over the moon- to become a mom, but please know that I’ve got almost a years worth of tough moments mixed in with all the sweet ones.

To all the moms to be, please leave a heart below or tag an expecting friend so that I can be praying and standing in agreement with whatever it is you’re believing for.

We’re stronger together ❤️

God I come to you, humbling myself before you, asking you to see my heart and hear my prayer. Lord I want to thank you for the opportunity to carry this child. Thank you for the opportunity to become a mother. Thank you for protecting me along this journey. Please guide me every step of the way. Cover me, protect me, heal me. Protect my baby as they enter the world. I pray that you will be at the center of every moment throughout this pregnancy. I trust you for a safe delivery. Help me to see your faithfulness and believe past my fears. Show me how to be the best mom and co-parent I can be. How to love and cherish my baby in a way that they will be a reflection of your love and light. Grant me the wisdom to be kind to myself along this journey. To trust you fully and seek you first in all things. Thank you for what you’ve already done, all that you are going to do, and everything you are doing right now in this moment. I trust you. Amen

Let’s begin.

1.My mind, my body, and spirit are whole.

2.I am in perfect flow with God’s plan for my life.

3.I am blessed and highly favored. 4.My pregnancy journey is blessed.

5.This baby is blessed and destined for greatness.

6.My doctors and medical team have the heart and mind of Christ. They are thoughtful and caring and attentive. I am front of mind, and the health and safety of me and my baby are front of mind.

7.God has already designed my delivery process especially for me and what’s best for our family.

8.My delivery will be smooth, uneventful, and in God’s perfect time.

9.I cast out any feelings of fear and anxiety daily.

10.I renew my mind daily. I fill it with positive thoughts and encouraging stories.

11.My pregnancy body is beautiful, and I embrace its changes.

12.My baby feels safe and secure and knows how much they are loved.

13.I listen to my body and trust my intuition.

14. I am fiercely protective of my baby and the energy around me.

15.I surround myself with people who love me, love this baby, love our family, and do their best to help me from feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.

16.My tribe is full of people who help put my mind at ease and make even the little things that much sweeter.

17.I am thankful for my partner for their support mentally and emotionally and the sweet ways in which they’ve cared for me and catered to me.

18.I am feeling more and more confident about my body, the delivery process, and recovery every day.

19.I am an extension of the strength of generations of women who came before me.

20.My body is ready, my heart is ready, my mind is ready.

21.I can do this. I am enough.

22.My delivery will be beautiful. I am going to be a great mom.

23.I am filled with a spirit of peace and serenity in all things.

FaithChelsea CoffeyComment