18 Affirmations To Remind Yourself That Whatever God Has For You Is Already Yours


18 Affirmations To Remind Yourself That Whatever God Has For You Is Already Yours:

House hunting has been an interesting experience for me and Warren. When we first started out, there was a twinkle in my eye, and slowly over time that twinkle has faded a bit -not in a bad way necessarily- but in a sobering way for sure. 

More and more, I’m reminded that that’s where vision, and more importantly faith, come in. This process has shown me the importance of trusting your gut and the vision you have for your life -past any fear, doubt, or anxiety.

If the vision is the path, God is the guide lighting the way. At times it is going to take  blind faith to trust that that next step will illuminate just in time, and it’s up to us to believe that it will -because it will. God always lights the way. 

God appreciates discipline, prayer, and patience, but I also know from personal experience that He basks in big bold moves of faith.

Faith is best excersied when we’re tempted to scramble. When we’re tempted to break from the path or move faster than that next illuminated step. 

If nothing else, this process has shown me that God has been with us every step of the way in even the smallest of moments. 

Opening this door. Closing that door. Presenting opportunities left and right. Sharpening and honing us so that we will be sensitive to His directives and recognize where He’s calling us to. 

His timing is perfect. He hears our prayers. He knows our hearts, and whatever He has for us is already ours.

The next time you’re tempted to scramble or make an impulsive decision simply close your eyes and repeat this prayer:

Lord I trust you. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Thank you for everything you’re doing. Thank you for everything you will do. I surrender this process to you. All things are working together for my good. Amen. 

Ready to start?

Close your eyes. Release any tension you may be holding in your shoulders, jaw... from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, release all tension from your entire body... take a deep breath in without forcing the air but simply inviting it in and sigh all the tension away.

Breathe in the good. Visualize your vision. See it free of anxiety. Free of resistance. Everything is coming together beautifully. 

Breathe out the bad. Visualize every roadblock, hinderance, barrier, and frustration effortlessly swept up in the wind and carried away for good.    

(Repeat x 3)

Let’s begin. 

1. My steps are ordered. 

2. I celebrate the vision I have for my life. 

3. I know that all things are working together and coming together for my good. 

4. I trust the process. 

5. I’m not in this alone. God is working on my behalf. 

6. I am disciplined with the thoughts I allow myself to think

7. I am thoughtful about the words I let come from my mouth 

8. I am thankful for every talent God has blessed me with. 

9. I am operating in my purpose

10. I am building a life I love

11. God is making a way for me. He has cleared my path

12. Each and every thing I’m believing for is making its way to me

13. Whatever God has for me is already mine 

14. Fear has no place here. 

15. Anxiety has no place in my heart or mind 

16. I am right where I need to be

18. My life is in perfect flow

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Happy Tuesday guys! Xoxo -Chels 💋






Faith, New PostChelsea Coffey